Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lisa's Beach Box

Ok I'm going to start by saying I got the idea to use picture frames for the box from this awesome blog that I read, but didn't bookmark it. So now I can't find it. I would like to add a link but I can't, sorry.

This is Lisa's Beach Box and it turned out really well. She picked it up Saturday and loved it.

I had so much fun making all the little things for this box. I'm not a beach person and would not have made this box if not requested. I'm so glad she did though.

The box itself is made from mat board with a picture frame on top and front. The one on top lets light come in so you can see the box better.

The back and sides are covered in scrapbook paper.

The floor is styrofoam covered with Mod Podge and craft sand. 

And now about the elements of this box. 

The beach towels are made from baby wash cloths I bought at the Dollar Tree. I cut them down to size. 

The flip flops are made from craft foam. 

The water bottles are made with beads and the lids with quilling paper.

The shovel and pals are paper.

The fence is made with skinny sticks (they are like pop sickle sticks, but longer and skinnier) and the wire from the inside of twist ties.

The shells are real shells just really tiny. 

There are 4 pair of flip flops to represent Lisa's family. Lisa, her husband, Mitch and their 2 kids.

I made the chair from mat board. I will probably do a tutorial on the chair in the future. Not sure when though.

The hat I bought at Hobby Lobby and just added the string.


  1. Hi Alicia! I love this vignette! You are very clever and the way that you have put this scene together is wonderful!!!! I especially love the water bottles and the flip flops. I am certain that you can hear the ocean when you put the tiny shell to your ears! A totally fun day at the beach!


    1. Thank you so much. I really enjoy making miniatures and these boxes give me a way to use them as well as make them.

      Oh and you are my first ever comment, which is just super awesome. I got so excited when I opened my email, lol.

      Thank You,
